Global RegSupport Helpdesk Overview
Antea Group, with the support of Inogen Alliance, operates a program in which we collect global wide EHS&S regulations and track changes to that collection of laws and regulations for our clients and auditing teams. Our international audit teams conduct audits year-round, which requires constant engagement with EHS&S regulations. Between consulting and research, we have built a strong group of global EHS&S consultants that are able to quickly and efficiently answer environmental, health, safety, transportation, and product stewardship questions, as well as conduct horizon scanning to monitor regulation changes. The solution is called the Global RegSupport Helpdesk, a pay-as-you-go service that gives facility and EHS&S staff quick and concise answers to global regulatory and compliance questions.
This solution was awarded a 4 Star Award in 2014 from the Environmental Leader Technology Review where judges deemed our solution to be an “Excellent product with technical features and performance that provide clear and substantial benefits”.
Working with our global clients, Antea Group identified a gap in several of their abilities to access answers to their global EHS regulatory questions. Previous options included online research and interpretation of raw regulatory content, purchasing expensive subscription-based content, or even engaging in full consulting assignments as noted in the figure below:
So How Does It Work?
Our Global RegSupport Helpdesk compliance solution provides responses to EHS&S regulatory questions raised by our multi-national clients, typically within 48 business hours for the requested jurisdiction. The solution is an inexpensive means for our global clients with limited EHS&S staff to receive regulatory compliance support without engaging full consulting services or spending hours of limited and valuable time researching regulations.
Questions, which can be accompanied by photos, permits, copies of regulations in question, are submitted via this request form, also located at the top right of the Antea Group Global RegSupport Helpdesk homepage. Each answer will have the following elements, at a minimum:
Summary of the question answered
Applicable regulatory citation, references, and hyperlink (if available) used to answer the question
Interpretation/translation of the regulatory requirement applied to the question
Recommended follow up actions
Click here to see what kind of information the Global RegSupport Helpdesk covers.
Alizabeth Smith | Senior Consultant | Lauren Corbett-Noon | Senior Consultant | | | | |
+1 518 281 6330 | +1 716 803 2575 |